Telling the Stories of Archer County
Archer County has a long history of interesting stories and we aim to preserve and tell these with current and future generations. The county may be best known as the hometown of Larry McMurtry, however, that is just the beginning of what we have to offer!

Here are some interesting highlights that we would like to expand on in the future:
We have one of the nine authenticated Comanche marker trees in Texas
The largest ranch of rare Karakul sheep ranch in the United States was once located here
Current home of the Back Forty cartoonist, Lex Graham
During the 1920's, Archer County was third largest producer of oil
Started the first High School Band in Texas
The Dimetrodon, which predated dinosaurs, is mainly found in this region of Texas/Oklahoma
A large German community was established in 1891 and is now known as the Dairy Capital of North Texas
Jessie James' sister, Susan James Parmer, resided here and was often a hideout for him while on the lamb
13 Medal of Honors were awarded for the 1870 Battle of the Little Wichita
Many ghost towns and communities dot the county